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Looking For an International Job?

jobs for transportation

It is important that you prioritize the top reasons why you are looking for an overseas job. Are you seeking a climate with a lot of sunshine? If so, it is possible to find work in a cold country. You should research the country's climate, political climate and crime rates as well as its transportation options. If you are going to travel often, you should know about the country’s transportation options. You should check the airport's transit schedule if you plan to travel by air.

Careers in international Business

If you love to travel, and to learn about other cultures, then you might consider a career as an international business professional. You will be prepared for management positions as well as entry-level jobs with a bachelor's in international business. An advanced business degree is available if you are interested in management positions. There are many options for international business degrees. Consider the following options if you aren't sure which option to choose.

manufacturing industry

English teaching jobs abroad

You have many options for rewarding career choices, but teaching English abroad is one of them. Not only will your career be successful, but so will the ability to travel and make new friends. Additionally, you could also be paid for your efforts. There are more than a billion people who want to learn English. You can easily find a job as an English teacher abroad. To teach English as a language, you first need to complete an online training course. These courses are easy to take online and relatively inexpensive.

There are many career options in medicine

There are many opportunities to make money in medicine, but the most lucrative one is in general practice. This career pays more than any other. Medicine has a lasting and positive impact on society, not only because it pays well. There are many types and specializations in medicine. No matter what your interest is, you can make money by practicing medicine internationally.

Tourism career opportunities

There are many exciting career paths available in the tourism industry, including hotel and restaurant management, tour operations, and local attractions. Although many people choose this profession because they love traveling, the industry offers much more. You will have the opportunity to travel, experience different cultures, and receive a variety of other benefits. It also allows you to travel at great discounts, and you'll have the opportunity to interact with many different types of people.

manufacturing automation software

Careers in education

If you've studied international education, then you might have noticed that certain emerging economies have more foreign teachers than others. This is due in large part to an increase in demand for English-speaking teachers from other subjects. Many parts of mainland China and Asia are searching for American or British English teachers. However, Hong Kong already has a large number of English-speaking teachers and is actively seeking science teachers. International educators are often members of professional organizations or can contact private international education consultants in their respective countries.

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What is the role of a logistics manager

A logistics manager makes sure that all goods are delivered on-time and in good condition. This is done by using his/her experience and knowledge of the company's products. He/she must also ensure sufficient stock to meet the demand.

What do you mean by warehouse?

Warehouses and storage facilities are where goods are kept before being sold. It can be an outdoor or indoor area. In some cases, it may be a combination of both.

How can manufacturing reduce production bottlenecks?

Production bottlenecks can be avoided by ensuring that processes are running smoothly during the entire production process, starting with the receipt of an order and ending when the product ships.

This includes planning for capacity requirements as well as quality control measures.

Continuous improvement techniques such Six Sigma are the best method to accomplish this.

Six Sigma is a management method that helps to improve quality and reduce waste.

It focuses on eliminating variation and creating consistency in your work.


  • You can multiply the result by 100 to get the total percent of monthly overhead. (investopedia.com)
  • According to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), China is the top manufacturer worldwide by 2019 output, producing 28.7% of the total global manufacturing output, followed by the United States, Japan, Germany, and India.[52][53] (en.wikipedia.org)
  • Job #1 is delivering the ordered product according to specifications: color, size, brand, and quantity. (netsuite.com)
  • According to a Statista study, U.S. businesses spent $1.63 trillion on logistics in 2019, moving goods from origin to end user through various supply chain network segments. (netsuite.com)
  • In the United States, for example, manufacturing makes up 15% of the economic output. (twi-global.com)

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How To

How to Use Lean Manufacturing in the Production of Goods

Lean manufacturing (or lean manufacturing) is a style of management that aims to increase efficiency, reduce waste and improve performance through continuous improvement. It was developed in Japan during the 1970s and 1980s by Taiichi Ohno, who received the Toyota Production System (TPS) award from TPS founder Kanji Toyoda. Michael L. Watkins published the original book on lean manufacturing, "The Machine That Changed the World," in 1990.

Lean manufacturing refers to a set of principles that improve the quality, speed and costs of products and services. It is about eliminating defects and waste from all stages of the value stream. Lean manufacturing is also known as just in time (JIT), zero defect total productive maintenance(TPM), and five-star (S). Lean manufacturing eliminates non-value-added tasks like inspection, rework, waiting.

Lean manufacturing improves product quality and costs. It also helps companies reach their goals quicker and decreases employee turnover. Lean manufacturing is a great way to manage the entire value chain including customers, suppliers, distributors and retailers as well as employees. Lean manufacturing is widely used in many industries. For example, Toyota's philosophy underpins its success in automobiles, electronics, appliances, healthcare, chemical engineering, aerospace, paper, food, etc.

Lean manufacturing includes five basic principles:

  1. Define Value - Determine the value that your business brings to society. Also, identify what sets you apart from your competitors.
  2. Reduce waste - Get rid of any activity that does not add value to the supply chain.
  3. Create Flow - Ensure work moves smoothly through the process without interruption.
  4. Standardize & Simplify - Make processes as consistent and repeatable as possible.
  5. Building Relationships – Establish personal relationships with both external and internal stakeholders.

Although lean manufacturing isn't a new concept in business, it has gained popularity due to renewed interest in the economy after the 2008 global financial crisis. Many businesses have adopted lean production techniques to make them more competitive. Some economists even believe that lean manufacturing can be a key factor in economic recovery.

With many benefits, lean manufacturing is becoming more common in the automotive industry. These include improved customer satisfaction, reduced inventory levels, lower operating costs, increased productivity, and better overall safety.

You can apply Lean Manufacturing to virtually any aspect of your organization. Lean manufacturing is most useful in the production sector of an organisation because it ensures that each step in the value-chain is efficient and productive.

There are three main types in lean manufacturing

  • Just-in Time Manufacturing, (JIT): This kind of lean manufacturing is also commonly known as "pull-systems." JIT is a process in which components can be assembled at the point they are needed, instead of being made ahead of time. This approach reduces lead time, increases availability and reduces inventory.
  • Zero Defects Manufacturing: ZDM ensures that no defective units leave the manufacturing plant. You should repair any part that needs to be repaired during an assembly line. This applies to finished products, which may need minor repairs before they are shipped.
  • Continuous Improvement (CI),: Continuous improvement aims improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations by continuously identifying issues and making changes to reduce waste. Continuous improvement involves continuous improvement of processes and people as well as tools.


Looking For an International Job?